“Wild, Wild Rhody”
Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 1 p.m.
At the intersection of Lawrence & Harrison in Uptown Port Townsend.
That’s the intersection where the Fire Station and the Public Library are.
The Parade Committee finalizes the staging areas the morning of the parade. We’ll post that here as soon as we know. Otherwise, you can meet us at the intersection of Lawrence & Harrison in uptown Port Townsend. The route is just about a mile, mostly downhill. We’ll park our van at the end of the parade route. We’re happy to shuttle you and your corgi back uptown.
Contact me for any more information:
(562) 883-5694
Hi Mike,
I don’t have a corgi but would like to bring one into my family someday soon, maybe next year. I don’t know where to begin, breeder? Corgi rescue? I saw the Quimper Corgi Clan at this year’s Rhody parade and had to reach out. Please advise on if your group would be open to a corgi-less lady asking a few questions and petting a few corgi noggins.